
Teeth Whitening Review!

Hi Guys,

I have been looking at reviews on teeth whitening products and I was so unsure.
 I noticed how white a family members were, I asked her she told me that it was Crest and she really recommended it. I would never had invested if our family member hadn't recommended it to me (it isn't the cheapest).

I tested the Crest 3D whitening strips and I am really impressed!

Here are my results...

The top is before and bottom is after:
There is quite a huge difference, I didn't realize how yellow my teeth were! I feel quite disgusted and embarrassed with how bad they were.

I started seeing results on the fourth day and in total (to achieve these results) I used seven days worth. I still have another seven left to use. The instructions say leave it on for thirty minutes, but I left it on for an hour, so that might be why i have achieved this result in such little time.
 I did read a lot of reviews saying that they made their teeth sensitive, but I already have sensitive teeth, so I wouldn't be able to tell.

My plan is to keep up with a whitening toothpaste and when I feel that they're not as white I'll do another strip!

In all I would definitely recommend these strips, I bought mine from this website: Crest 3D White

I hope this helps a little, as I could've done with reading a short, simple and non-sponsored review.


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