
Easter Brownies!

 Serves 12

150g Self Raising Flour
180g Butter
300g Sugar
1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
3 Eggs
1 Tablespoon of Cocoa Powder
80g Milk Chocolate
80g White Chocolate
Mini Eggs for Decoration
Icing sugar for some dusting

Pre heat the oven to 170ºC.

Melt the butter in a pan on a gentle heat, before it has fully melted add in the sugar.

Mix the flour and vanilla essence, then add the eggs and cocoa powder.

We melted the chocolate in the microwave, we put it on for 30 seconds and kept checking it until it melted.

The stir in the chocolate to the mixture.

We wanted a few chocolate chips in with the mixture too, so we chopped up some chocolate and added a couple of chunks.

Grease a baking tin, then pour the mixture in.

Then bake for 30 to 40 minutes. To check if ready, pearce the brownie in the center. If there's no mixture on the knife, that will mean it is ready.
Hope you enjoy making it as much as we did. They were very tasty!

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