
What I Got for my 21st!

   Source 1                                                            Source 2                                                         Source 3

Items bought whilst in London:

Zoeva Brush
NYX Lip Pencil in Sugar Glass
Forever 21 Silver Aviators Similar
Pull and Bear Stripe Skirt
Pull and Bear Knit Cardigan
Pull and Bear Black Skirt
The Body Shop Pinita Colada Body Butter (Bigger Version)
The Body Shop Satsuma Hand Gel
The Body Shop Satsuma Hand Cream
Mulberry Medium Lily

I have had the most amazing birthday anyone could ask for, it was perfect.

I was lucky enough to attend Radio 1's Big Weekend (if you haven't already check out the post we did on it here: Big Weekend ), the day after was my Birthday I was so tired. I just wanted to chill, so we decided to go for a picnic by the sea and saw family.

We went to London for a few days and the saying "shop till' you drop" defiantly applied to us! Got lots of bits, including my bag. We met up with our Aunty and Uncle for a day and had lunch at the Forest on the Roof (Selfridges rooftop). It was lovely, words can't describe how grateful I am for everything!

I am in no way bragging/showing off. Katie and I love looking at other people's posts and videos on what they got.

Rachel. X


Radio 1's Big Weekend Exeter 2016!

So we were lucky enough to get tickets to Radio 1's Big Weekend in Exeter! It was local to us, that put us in the 35% of people who got tickets!

We got a train to the location, then walked the rest of the way. We arrived at 11am, just when the gates opened.

We were meeting our friends there, but we were early, so we had a quick browse, Katie got some sunglasses! Walking around, we came across a fresh lemonade stand, so got some then awaited the first act!

One Republic was the opening act, they were great! We've always loved them (they follow Katie, they use to follow Rach, but they don't now), they're so good live! Sang their good old Apologise.
 Unfortunately we didn't get any photos!
One Republic's Set

We then met up with our friends and headed to the In New Music we Trust stage (we call it the tent) to watch Panic! At The Disco. We loved them live, we'd seen videos of them live, but didn't realise how good they were. They did a cover of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody, it was probably one of the best covers we have seen! Again, no pictures.
Panic's Set

After we decided it was about time we had some lunch, so we explored our options and went with a healthy take on a kebab, which was delicious! We ate and saw the tail end of Catfish and the Bottlemen.

Years & Years were next! We saw them for the first time live in early April and we only knew a few of their songs (their biggest hits) and felt like numptys when everyone was singing along to them. We loved the sound of all the songs, so we bought the album and ended up know all the lyrics to every song! So that was great and we appreciated it more. 
Years & Years' Set

Scott Mills on the decks, before Iggy Azalea.
Iggy Iggs was on next, she was so good, we are big Iggy fans and this made us love her even more! She had so much energy, kept moving and sat down on her keyboard throne a couple of times.
We got some pictures of her featuring heads...
Iggy's Set
We then went to the tent to see Skepta. Blooming love him, so much energy in there, it was mental! He was getting the front of the crowd to do mosh pits and he had a few of his 'crew' there, Lethal Bizzle came out for a bit. It was crazy! No pictures, as they came out too dark.
Skepta's Set

Ellie Goulding was on the main stage, but we were so hungry we got dinner we went for a Chinese, which wasn't great, but filled us enough. After that we had churros, now they were good!
Elllie's Set

Now where to begin...don't get us wrong, we loved all the acts, but the two people we really wanted to see were the last two acts!

The Weeknd was first, he was so good. Everything we expected and more! Loved his little doo bobbing along when he sang and moved. It was amazing! For some reason, we can't get the set up.
Here's the pictures featuring a straw hat...

They are so special to us, because our late step father loved them so much, he got all of us into them. Our eyes were glistening a lot through the classic songs, like fix you and one special one...Yellow, which was one we use to sing on a game with him.
It was so amazing and special, not only to see them live, but to see them headline in Chris' hometown, you could tell he was so happy to be there!
Words can't describe how phenomenal they were.
You NEED to see their set: Coldplay's Set
Rachel took this picture, she's so proud of it. She shot it blind, with a Sony Lense and you can take pictures blind. This is exactly what she did and this is the result!

We then got a lift back with our friends, if we got the train we would've had to leave half way through the set. We really appreciate the lift back!

It was so perfect, because Rachel's 21st was the day after, she couldn't have asked for a better celebration!