
Our First Post!

Hi Guys,

TwiceTheStyle comprises of Rachel and Katie Prescott, we are sisters. 
Rachel is twenty and Katie is seventeen. There is a three years and three month age gap between us, but it feels like we are the same age.  
Rachel (left), Katie (right).

It really is the best having a sister, someone to practice make-up on, borrow each others clothes, check if our eyeliner or eyebrows are even (Rachel doesn't know how she'd survive without this, Katie is much better at doing this on her own) and there are so many more benefits of having each other, we could ramble for days...you get the picture, we are basically like twins!

Both of us love make-up and fashion. There will be a variety of make-up, Lookbook's, hair styles and the odd DIY posts. Make-up is Katie's main forte, Rachel is more into the Shabby Chic side of things and we both equally love fashion and interior.
We have two dream careers, the first: Property developers and the second: Interior designers.

The name was thought of a while ago, we both decided on it and we love it.
In the link, it does say 'twicethestyles'  - plural, we are, 'twicethestyle' - singular. We had to go with plural, as the singular was taken.

 We will be posting weekly, on a Sunday (today is an exception, we couldn't wait any longer for this post to go up). Keep your lovely eyes out.

See you soon!

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